Sofia – Bulgaria
Brief Biography of Partner
The Rosenbaum Group is a clinical research services provider, solving the complicated processes of study preparations and planning. The organisation stands on three pillars: consulting, research, and foundation. Rosenbaum consulting includes such services as data-driven feasibility studies, country and site selection, mediation and support of SMEs and biotech clients. Its extensive experience in Clinical Trials Phase I-IV has contributed to a substantial network of partners allowing to plan innovative or pilot projects. Focusing on the CEE region, it is well known across the industry with fast and efficient execution, quality data, and top recruiting sites.
Partner’s Role in ONCOSCREEN
Rosenbaum will support ONCOSCREEN clinical trials for 300 patients in Greece, 285 patients in Hungary, 180 patients in both Slovakia and Czech Republic, and 250 patients in Bulgaria. It will undertake the necessary steps and respective processes to formulate an overview of the trials. These activities will run in parallel with trials in the ONCOSCREEN hospital sites.